You Become the Object of Your Focus
Did you encounter the Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit just now? If you did not, we can talk about the possible reasons why you did not if you want. You can message me at the end of this journey, and we can Skype or meet or email. I can help you work through whatever the enemy is doing to keep you from the truth.
Here is a truth: God wants to establish a deeper relationship with you. He didn’t save you to merely attend church, read your Bible, and witness. He wants to KNOW you. He cares about what happens to you. He wants to heal you deeply. He cares and wants to answer some of your questions. He wants to interact with you on a daily basis.
Joel 2:13 says “…He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm.”
Furthermore, the Word of God commands us in Hebrews 4:16 to “…come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
When we exercise our childlike faith, and come to God with our disappointments or lack of understanding, He pours out His love on us in tangible ways, demonstrating how special we are to Him. All He has ever wanted is a relationship.
So we see that daily communion with Him, the power of prayer and speaking His Word, is powerful and can keep us safe, as well as those for whom we pray. However, Jesus said that “in this world, we would have tribulation” but to “take heart, for He has overcome the world.” Knowing God means that as we walk with Him, He is holding our hand. However, we are not walking on His feet. So, we may stumble, and yet, we are not utterly cast down because He has our hand (Psalm 37:24). This means that when bad things happen, God is right there, and can heal us through the truth. He can take what the enemy means for harm and turn it around for our good – every single time – if we let Him.
Eli replied to Punchinello, “You don’t have to defend yourself to Me child. I don’t care what the others think.”
God doesn’t care about how the enemy accuses you about your sin. Why: because it was never in your power to overcome sin in the first place. Whether you were violated in some way in the past and that has, over the years, led you to a lifestyle of sin, or even if you just chose to sin out of curiosity, peer-pressure, or any number of reasons, we do it sometimes. IT DOESN’T MATTER. It is not in your power to overcome that sin. Jesus overcame sin, and we accept His choice to go to the cross for our sins as the finished work in our lives once we come into relationship with Him.
Now that you’re a Christian, the key to overcoming sin is what you set your focus on.
2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
If you keep your eyes on your sinfulness and your mistakes all the time, you will continue to become more sinful and keep making mistakes. But when come to rest in the powerful truth that His blood has provided a covering for your sins for all time -then you are empowered to take your eyes off of yourself: off of your weaknesses, off of your failures, off of your repeated mistakes, and off of your character flaws and look to Him.