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FAQs and Benefits of Massage Therapy
FAQ #1: Massage Therapy is not just a luxury!
Gone are the days when massage therapy is only found in upscale spas or high-end clubs. Today, massage therapy is considered part of complimentary and integrative medicine. It is now often valued, and prescribed, by doctors and, in some cases, covered by insurance. Massage therapy can be found, as always, in massage therapy businesses, but it can also be found in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, businesses, airports, and mall kiosks. Because stress is so prevalent in our culture, massage therapy is more readily available to meet
the ever increasing need for relaxation and the decrease of muscle tension in our busy lifestyles of today. 
FAQ #2: Massage Therapy is not just for relaxation
Massage therapy is being researched for it's benefits and uses so that medical healthcare providers can work together with manual therapists to help restore mind and body to health and normal function. Thus far, some research studies have already shown that massage therapy, in addition to relieving sore, tense muscles may be helpful for:
  • Increased flexibility and ease of movement
  • Decrease of muscle compensation patterns (ie hiked hip/shortened leg, slumped shoulder)
  • Anxiety & depression
  • Digestive disorders

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia related to stress

  • Myofascial pain syndrome

  • Soft tissue strains or injuries

  • Sports injuries

  • Temporomandibular joint pain

  • lower back pain​

  • and more!


Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.

FAQ #3: Expectations for a Massage Therapy Session

You don't need any special preparation for massage. Before your massage therapy session starts, you will fill out an online intake form detailing your medical history, symptoms, and goals for your session.


At our first massage therapy session, I will assess your posture, and speak to you about areas of pain or tension, and determine how much pressure to apply. I will also explain the kind of massage and techniques I think will be best for you. I may suggest a brief mini foot reflexology session to begin, at no additional charge, to initiate quick, deep relaxation to help ease the discomfort of loosening extremely tight muscles or adhesions.


Having visited the restroom if needed, once you're in the therapy room, you will be instructed to undress to your comfort level. You will lay on a heated table (if desired), under a sheet and blanket, as body temperature drops as you begin to relax. Proper draping is always performed to expose only the part of the body being worked on at any given time. This draping technique is in accordance with state law. Therefore, your privacy is respected at all times, and you can give verbal preference at any time during the session. Bolsters will be placed under your knees or ankles to take pressure off of your back. Rolled towels can also be used if you have a larger curve in your lower back, or if you need extra bolstering of the chest area. If you've never experienced massage therapy before, and you prefer being fully clothed, I can offer a chair massage, which is performed in a specially designed, comfortable massage therapy chair. Your comfort is a goal for the therapy session.


Depending on your preference, or in case you have specific allergies, I will use a carrier oil or lotion to reduce friction on your skin. Ingredients to the oils and lotions I use are listed on the online intake form. You can detail any allergies you have to a specific product there.


If you are pregnant, are beyond your first trimester, and have a verbal permission from your doctor, you can enjoy massage in a side-lying position. I can bolster your body in such a way that you will feel comfortable, cozy, and nurtured. I take extra care to avoid areas of the body, or movements that could affect early labor, and you cannot imagine how relaxing and relieved you feel during and after your therapy session!


A massage therapy session may last from 10 minutes in the chair, or from 30 to 90 minutes on the table, depending on the type of massage you need, and how much time you have. Assessment, time on the table, and a short debrief are all included in the time you book for your session. No matter what kind of massage you choose, or how long you receive therapy, you should always be in control of your pain level, if any, and feel calm and relaxed during and after your massage.


I will periodically ask if the pressure is okay for you. Being honest about the amount of pressure you can tolerate or enjoy will help me provide the best outcome for your session. If I am working on an area where you wish I would remain longer, please tell me. Or if I'm working on an area that needs a break sooner than I might think, you can let me know. Occasionally you may have a sensitive spot in a muscle that feels like a knot. It's likely to be a bit uncomfortable while I'm working it out. But if it becomes very painful, simply speak up. Rome wasn't built in a day, your muscular issues didn't become issues overnight, and they most likely will not resolve in just one session. But that is the good news because you're going to want to come back anyway, right? At least that is my hope and my goal for you.


Once you're massage therapy session is completed, you have options to rest a few minutes longer on the table, get up slowly and dress and visit the restroom. I will meet you in the office with a bottle of water where we will discuss home-care such as icing soreness if any, the importance of more water to flush out toxins, stretching, and how to work in tandem with your other healthcare professionals, etc.

FAQ #4: Types of Massage offered at The WAYStation
All sessions begin and end with compressions to the body. This is like a firm, nurturing palm hug to the skin performed through the sheet and not on the bare skin. It is like saying, "Hello" to the body before beginning massage therapy. It is actually my favorite and something I do at home to relieve muscle tension or reduce stress at any given time.
This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax you, and then energize you. Full body Swedish massage is like the foundation of every session, unless you only want a specific area of the body to receive work.
This massage technique uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, commonly to help with muscle damage from injuries or to resolve adhesions built up in muscle tissue.
Ever been stretched in your life? Well, this stretching is wonderful! Throughout a typical session, I will stretch legs, arms, release pectoral muscles, stretch hands and feet, or stretch the core muscles and hips.
This is a series of bodywork applications performed where needed that use the nervous system to change a muscle's resting length.
Reflexology is therapy involving thumb and finger techniques to apply alternating pressure to reflexes located on the feet and/or hands. This technique helps the inflamed nerves in the reflex points on the feet and hands to send stronger signals to the brain in regard to struggling body systems or organs. In turn, the brain will send more energy to those same body systems or organs to facilitate normalization and healing. Reflexology sessions can be booked on their own anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes, followed by a nice, relaxing, aromatic foot soak. However, I offer 8-10 minutes of foot reflexology to begin or end a massage therapy session to facilitate deeper relaxation, or to enhance the session without any extra charge.
Sometimes, when muscles are cold, have large knots, or extremely tight, I may lay my hands on them and just hold them for a few moments to release a larger amount of energy into the muscle to work it easier. Sometimes, according to your preference, I will pray for healing or for general well being during the hold. 
This is a movement of vibration that I may use at the end of work on each muscle group. It helps with circulation, communication with the brain for increased energy to that area, and it feels really nice.
All of the above massage therapy applications may be used interchangeably in any given session depending on the need. There is no upcharge for anything listed here and it they are used at my discretion based on assessed need. Massage therapy at The WAYStation is more clinical in practice unless you are specifically booking a spa experience such as full body Swedish massage alone, a foot scrub, hot stones, etc. 
SPECIAL NOTE: The state of Tennessee is cracking down on activities that cast a negative shadow on massage therapy, as we are a professional complimentary healthcare modality. The mention of "happy endings" or any gestures, conversation, or actions of sexual impropriety will respectfully, but immediately terminate a session, for which will be paid in full before clients exit permanently. 
FAQ #5: Risks and Contraindications of Massage Therapy

Most people can benefit from massage. However, massage may not be appropriate if you:

  • are in shock

  • have recently experienced a stroke or heart attack

  • have a severe headache or internal pain

  • have a bleeding disorder, or take blood-thinning medication

  • have recently undergone certain major surgeries (such as a resection or transection of tissues or orthopedic related process.

  • have a current infectious or contagious disease, virus, or bacteria

  • are running a fever

  • are experiencing diarrhea, kidney disease, vomiting, or other acute conditions that require medical treatment

  • have an active outbreak of a viral skin disorder such as shingles, chicken pox, measles, etc.

  • have recent burns or other healing wounds

  • have been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism

  • have bone fractures

  • have been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis

  • have severe thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)

  • are pregnant, and in your first trimester


Local Contraindications mean that you have a condition in a specific area of the body which allows me to give massage therapy everywhere but the area with the condition, or taking extra precautions. These may include:

  • bruising easily or having a bruise

  • experiencing a skin issue limited to one area of the body such as eczema or athlete's foot

  • healing cuts or abrasions, etc.

FAQ #6: Spa Options at The WAYStation
Spa options are as follows:
  • Peppermint Foot or Hand Scrub - A generous foot or hand massage followed by a peppermint sugar scrub to exfoliate and rejuvinate tired, and sore feet and hands.
  • Aromatic, Foot Hydrotherapy - 30-45 minutes of relaxing foot therapy in a European foot spa with a needed or favorite essential oil or combination of oils. Warm neck wrap, cold stones for sinuses, cool eye mask, or hot hand stones are optional and no extra charge.
  • Hot stone massage - a full body 60 minute massage with hot basalt stones and therapeutic oil. 
Click on the following to consider other bodywork options such as ear acupuncture, XTRACT, Raindrop Technique, and more about reflexology
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The WAYStation, Inc.
2410 Ravenwood Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129

© 2019 The WAYLady

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