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Facts About Raindrop Technique

Why should I remove jewely when receiving bodywork such as Raindrop?


Our bodies can be compared to a solid state electronic system with hundreds of control points that conduct very low voltage, but enough to have profound effects on our health.  Various portions of the Raindrop Technique produce voltage that is released into the body. This is beneficial because as we are laden down with stress or sickness, our megahertz drops. Literally, we spin slower, like a top that is slowing down. At any given time, communication from the brain, through the spine, to the organs and back should be running at a speed of about 268 mph. When we are not well, this slows down. The goal is to keep current running up to speed.


The current induced by the Raindrop Technique runs along the nerve pathways. Two things that aid in carrying this current along are our skin and essential oils. Our skin is "Piezoelectric". This means it can produce pressure induced electricity. That is why you get shocked when another person touches you, or when static electricity is built up around you. It is also why, when we touch one another, current is transferred from one person to another. Essential oils are also electrical in nature and contain healing molecules. When poor health creates a gap or malfunction along the nerve pathways, essential oils applied to the skin in combination with the Raindrop technique acts like a jump-start to faulty electrical circuitry, helping to restore proper function and increased speed for healing.


Due to the electrical nature of bodywork, wearing metal on your skin can interfere with the health enhancing process of bodywork.  Certainly, you cannot remove metal inside the body. However, metal inside the body is not so much of a problem because it is encased in our tissues, body fluids, and so forth.


Am I undressed during a Raindrop Session?


Because Raindrop is applied to the feet, back, and neck; after giving you instructions, I will leave the room allowing you time to remove shoes, socks, and clothing from the waist up. During the first half of the Raindrop session, you will be lying on your back. I will place a bolster under your knees for the comfort of your back, while I work on your feet.


At the beginning of the second half of the Raindrop session, I will raise the sheet discreetly so that you can turn and lie on your stomach, positining yourself comfortably, and facedown, in the face cradle. I will place the bolster under your feet for back comfort, and carefully uncover you from the neck to the sacrum of your back in order to administer the Raindrop Technique to your back and neck.


When we come to the end of the Raindrop session, I will leave the room, allowing you a few moments to relax. Then, when you are ready, you will carefully sit up and wait until you are reoriented. Then, you will carefully get up from the table and get dressed. 


​Why is it important for me to communicate my experiences during and after Raindrop?


Everyone responds differently to Raindrop Technique, and while most people float out the door afterwards, feeling balanced and deeply relaxed, a few people may experience discomfort during or after a session. This is the case with any form of body work. It is important that you communicate your experiences during and after the session. For example, some of the essential oils used in Raindrop Technique may be warming to the skin. These are skin-tested for possible sensitivity first, to minimize any likelihood of discomfort. However, if you do experience any prickling or heat on your skin from the oils, I will be able to easily cool the area down using a carrier oil. There is never a need to "buck up and take it" when you're receiving body work. Let your practitioners know if you are not comfortable. The object of the game is for you to relax and enter into a para-sympathetic state so that your body can start or continue a healing process.


​How soon should I shower after receiving Raindrop Technique?


It is preferable that you shower before your session, so that you can leave the essential oils on your skin for as long as possible after your session. I suggest that you sleep in the oils so that the aroma stays on your sheets for days! Even the aroma of the oils is beneficial to you and your family.


How often can I receive Raindrop Technique?


An ideal protocol is to receive bi-weekly sessions for the first 2 months, then a monthly session on an ongoing basis. There may be times you feel you need a Raindrop Technique more regularly than this, especially if you’re going through a challenging time. Listen to your body. 


When you are working with natural elements such as food, herbs, oils, bodywork, etc., you are using what the body recognizes as familiar and organic. Unlike synthetic drugs, the natural elements are easily recognized by the liver and other vital organs. When you are ill, you need to get out in front of your illness being more proactive with the introduction of what your body needs to elevate the slowing current, and to provide the nutrition it needs to balance and heal.


What kind of essential oils are used in the Raindrop Technique?


Raindrop Technique is performed using only 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils from Young Living. Young Living oils are guaranteed free of any adulteration. There are other good oils on the market. This is the company I chose for the purpose of giving my family and clients what I feel to be the best oils on the market today. 


What are the benefits of using the oils in a Raindrop session?


Raindrop addresses the spinal reflexes of the body 48 times using 8 essential oils. In order, the essential oils used in Raindrop are as follows:


Oregano - Oregano is one of the most powerful antimicrobial oils. Research at Weber State University demonstrated a 99% kill rate against in-vitro colonies of streptococcus pneumonia. Thus, Oregano is a good antibacterial oil.


Thyme - Thyme is an antiseptic. It is immune enhancing. Like Oregano, it is rich in phenylpropanoids, which not only cleanse the receptor sites of the cells, but also attack bacteria, viruses, parasites or any other kind of organism in the body that doesn't belong there. Thyme has been tested and used to combat the bacterium causing Anthrax.


Basil - Basil contains a compound called Estragole or Methyl Chavicol. Estragole is a phenolic ether. It does the same as phenylpropanoids. It also has a muscle relaxing effect, in both voluntary and involuntary muscles.  Whereas Oregano and Thyme address the immune system, Basil addresses the muscular system.


Wintergreen - Wintergreen supports the joints, ligaments, and skeletal structure. Wintergreen contains the compound methyl salicylate, which is a phenolic ester. It has a cortisone effect that may stimulate the body's own production of natural cortisone which has none of the untoward side effects of synthetic cortisone. It also has an analgesic effect and has a chemical structure like that of common aspirin.


Marjoram - Marjoram is relaxing to both the voluntary and involuntary muscles as well. Marjoram is soothing to the nerves. It can be used for migraines. It is also antiseptic and anti-microbial.


Cypress - Cypress is a very gentle oil, but excellent for supporting the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. This oils stimulates the body's natural white blood cell production, which defends against disease. Cypress boosts the immune system.


Valor - This is a blend of essential oils that provides structure and balance to the body.


Peppermint - This is the only natural source of menthol, which addresses the digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems. But the best thing about Peppermint oil is that when you layer it on top of other oils, it amplifies and supports all of the previous oils. Peppermint also detoxifies the liver and is great for clearing out the sinuses and the lungs. Peppermint is sometimes called the Universal Oil as it has so many good uses.


What is detoxification?


In our modern world, it is impossible to avoid chemical exposure. Artificial chemicals are in our food, in the animals we eat, in our water, and in our cosmetics and personal care products. Many of these chemical are absorbed straight through the skin and some may build up in the body, paving the way for disease.  Essential oils are less than 500 atomic mass units. The molecules literally pop out of the bottle when you open the cap. The molecules, because they are so small, also go right up your nose, cross your blood-brain barrier, and into your brain. They affect both mind and body.


The elements of essential oils do amazing work in the body. Some oils are high in monoterpenes or sesquiterpenes, both of which carry oxygen to the cells. Phenolic compounds in oil remove cellular waste.  Because of the penetrating abilities of essential oils, it’s possible during your first few Raindrop Techniques to experience a mild to moderate ‘detox’ response if you either have an overload of toxins in your body, or if your body’s channels of elimination are not working optimally (urine, bowels, breath, skin).


In our pre-appointment questionaire, you will be asked if you work in a consistently toxic environment such as a beauty shop, chemical plant, body shop, dark room, or a cleaning service. If you do, I will suggest that you perform a simple detox at home before you schedule a Raindrop session. This will get you started and it will start the process of detoxification so that when you come for a Raindrop session, your body is not overwhelmed and you can enjoy the benefit of relaxation that Raindrop provides during your session.


Why do our bodies go through detoxification?


Detox symptoms simply mean that toxins are being pulled out of the cells, but are not being eliminated quickly enough from the body. Detox symptoms may include: tiredness headaches, thirst, strong smelling stools or urine, mood swings and skin rashes.


Is there anything I can do to help reduce detox symptoms?


There are a variety of ways that you can minimize the likelihood of any detox discomfort. It is recommended that you drink plenty of filtered water before and after your Raindrop Technique session. You also need to bear in mind that tea, coffee, soft drinks and milk do not count as water.

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