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Ion Foot Bath & Hydrotherapy



This is a favorite at WAYStation Wellness! We use a very nice, heated, bubbling foot bath, adding essential oils according to your needs. The warm water is relaxing and the oils go right to work as they soak into the pores of the feet, travel along the nervous system, carrying their benefits to body systems. If you have received a pedicure, you know how relaxing hydrotherapy can be. Wouldn't it be nice to combine it with essential oils, or even 30 minutes to an hour of reflexology? It is a peaceful, relaxing experience, and for some people, it is the only time they slow down enough to enjoy deep, healing rest, as many do not sleep well at night. So, what are you waiting for? Go to our online booking and order up some time to take care of YOU!


Ion Foot Bath


Okay, if you're like I was a while back, you're wondering if Ion foot baths are a help or a hoax, right? Maybe you've already pushed past your doubts and have been doing Ion foot baths for a while. You have probably already experienced the benefit of doing them, whether you know how they work or not.


Many years ago, I knew people who used the ion foot bath in their business, but I had never used one myself. However, when I got to the subject of hydrotherapy in school, I had the opportunity to learn the science behind the Ion foot bath, to see how it worked in clinical case studies, and to experience one myself.


Why would anyone need an ion foot bath?


In a world surrounded by cell towers, cell phones, and anything else with an electromagnetic field anywhere near your body, you are being pumped full of positive ions. Your body is full of cells: cells that need hydration and oxygen. Each cell has an ion channel system within cell membranes that generates an electrical signal to allow certain nutrients and fluids to pass through the membrane.


This channel system maintains the balance of the bioelectrical distribution of nutrients and waste products in and out of the cell. Most of the symptoms of aging and degenerative diseases are in one way or another associated with poor hydration within the cell. This diminishes the cell's ability to repair itself and eliminate waste.


When cells dehydrate, they bunch up, fusing their membranes together and elminating important surface areas for these ion channels to work. Over time, the body becomes more and more toxic and unable to transfer vital nutrients needed for repair or cell replication. The principle of the Ionic detoxification system or Ion foot bath, is to use micro current to facilitate the movement or transfer of ions in and out of cells and restore the balance of positive and negative charges of cells. This painless, non-invasive micro current opens up the pathways to the vital ion channels.


The "boost" or energy the body receives from the ion water module (the array that sits in the water), allows this amazing detoxification process to occur. As water is ionized it is split into H+ (acidic) and OH (alkaline) ions, similar to the way water cascading over a waterfall becomes ionized. These ions are then able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. Then the circulatory and lymphatic systems transport the ions throughout the body.


These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. In this way, all the body's organs, including the liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin, and immune system, can become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation, and sweating.


When the body is able to eliminate toxins and metabolic waste, then inflammation, edema, and swelling all decrease, allowing the body to repair itself and reduce pain within muscles and joints.


In a 2009 survey, 126 users of ionic detox systems were asked what specific health benefits they or their clients received from using ionic detox foot bath systems. Their answers included pain relief including less joint stiffness, less headaches, less knee pain, less foot pain, less general muscle pain; increased energy improved sleep, improved digestion, toxin reduction, decreased swelling, circulatory system improvement, reduced weight, skin improvements, emotional improvements, respiratory improvements, and much more. Ion foot bath is a gentle detoxification process, and is safe for those with low blood sugar (although they need to eat a snack beforehand, as it lowers blood sugar), diabetics, those on dialysis, and those with heart conditions. Ion foot bath is also safe for those with metal implants, although the electromagnetic field has been found, on rare occasions, to feel slightly unusual, and for some, uncomfortable. My father has a knee replacement, and does not find it bothersome. If you have a metal replacement of any kind, please know that if you try it and it is uncomfortable, we can try something else to bring you similar results, and so that your session is not wasted. 


Personally, I had trouble with my ankles swelling this summer on occasion. One evening, I decided to try the Ion foot bath to see if it would help my ankles. I put my feet in the Ion foot bath for 30 minutes while I watched the Olympics. (Yes, I was watching television with my cell phone on the table beside me - typical American, I know.) While I was in the foot bath, I became extremely relaxed and knodded off to sleep several times. Once I was done, and after cleaning everyting up and putting it away, I went on to bed. In the morning, my ankles were as skinny as I had seen them in a long while! And, that was just one of my own testimonies. In case studies, I used the Ion foot bath on my clients. One saw her doctor for a check up on her heart. She had begun with several maladies such as chronic headaches, high blood pressure, joint pain, IBS, and so on. After two session, which included hydrotherapy, the Ion foot bath, and reflexology; her doctor saw such radical changes in her health that he said, "I don't know what you're doing, but keep it up!" He also took her off of one of her heart medications as a result of the changes.  I was thrilled, of course, as was she!


What about all the various colors of "gunk" in the water following an ion foot bath?


Many people have been told that all the gunk and all of the color changes in the Ion foot bath mean that it's all significant to what is actually coming out of your feet. This is not completely true. Our family is in the water business and we know quite a bit about the total dissolved solids of minerals that are in our tap water. If you put water with any minerals at all in with the copper array of the Ion foot bath, and throw in a pinch of salt, you'll get water that turns colors due to rapid oxidation. However, after all the muck that is of a metal compound sinks to the bottom, you actually have elements of detoxification in the water, and the color can be distinctive to the detoxification of various body systems.


After INSIDE EDITION investigated the boasts of the Ion foot bath in spas all over New York City, an electical engineer was brought in to see what was really going on with the process. Their findings were summed up by a blogger that posted the video below. I think he explains it pretty well, and I will leave you with his findings to decide for yourself whether or not trying the Ion foot bath is for you. I am offering Ion foot bath at WAYStation Wellness if you decide you want to give it a go!

PRECAUTION: Ion foot bath is not suggested for pregnant and lactataing women. Toxins are pulled form tissues and fat, and the toxins could impair fetal development and will become part of the milk that is fed to infants. Just know, if you miss this precaution, and you sign up for an ion foot bath, and your intake paperwork says that you are pregnant or nursing, I will call you to receive an alternative service, provided your doctor agrees. Thank you for understanding that I am looking out for your safety, and that of your children. 

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