From your first days of cognitive development, all the way through your childhood, even into adulthood; you have encountered the trials of life. These trials can happen due to the ignorance of care-givers or close relationships to your need for understanding. Poor communication, what is left unsaid, can cause vain imaginations, disappointment, or fear. Since hurting people hurt people, these trials can come through the sinfulness and woundedness of care-givers, close friends, even random people who have experienced their own life of neglect, abuse, and rejection (1 Peter 1:18, Mark 10:14, Matthew 18:6 & Mark 9:42). These trials can happen due to a lack of prayer and intercession over our lives (1 Timothy 2:1-2, Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24, John 15:7). In all manner of these situations, when they occur in our lives, the enemy seeks to propose negative beliefs about our identity and worth. It is just like what you saw represented in the last video: you go around all your life collecting negative beliefs about yourself and that false identity gets heavier and heavier to carry around.
Satan, who attacks us in the mind, causes us to hold on to these negative beliefs until they are exhumed from our mind and heart, and surrendered to God for His truth – either through His written Word or His spoken word. (John 8:32, 10:27). Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation (such as those listed above), but take heart, I have overcome the world.” He warned us that we could become entangled in this sinful, fallen world and that it could negatively impact our lives! However, He also assured us that He overcame these things, and as we bring the negative beliefs to Him, He has the power to redeem them through His truth about who we are. He can take what the enemy means for our destruction and turn it around for our good and for the good of others.
Stop here. Watch the following 24 minute short film. Imagine yourself as the main character, Punchinello. Then, please continue your journey.